Please provide premade templates
Please provide premade templates, with layouts and styles. Such as– display 10 recent posts in grid format– display 10 recent posts based on current category or search– display recent posts based of post assigned categories.
Revisions for Tangible Templates
Add WordPress Post Revisions support for Tangible Templates in order to rollback easily in previous versions of a Tangible template if needed
Allow looping through field names
It’s currently possible to display all the field names and values that are available in any given context using `Field all` but it would be useful to be able to loop through those field names. This would be particularly useful when building blocks that have dynamic controls by allowing the user to select which field…
Add custom=true attribute to the Field tag to allow displaying custom fields that share the same name as core fields
As requested by @factus10 on the forum:
Allow L&L templates to be rendered as widgets in the admin dashboard
As requested by @Birkeholm on the forum:
Solve quotes in default JS variables
Allow format of publish_date
It would be great if you can format the publish date. e.g. In the field.php, line 248, perhaps change the code to add the check and set the value: case ‘publish_date’:if (isset( $args[‘format’] )) {$value = date($args[‘format’], strtotime( $post->post_date ));}else {$value = $post->post_date;}return $value;break;
Add warning when any opening and closing tags that set a variable are on different lines
As requested by forum user @gingersoul on this thread: