Make the Table tag search non-case-sensitive
As requested by @tom.collins in this thread:
Add ability to offset the scroll_top feature on pagination
As requested by forum user @RichardC on the forum: This could be useful for sites with sticky navigation menus as well as any instance when a page would look better with more breathing room between the top of the user’s browser and the paginated content.
Add 'is_part_of' comparison for the If tag
The ‘includes’ comparison renders the condition is true if the value matches any part of the subject. There should be an opposite comparison that renders the condition is true if the subject matches any part of the value. For example, this would render true: If check=”two” is_part_of value=”one two three”
Add custom_field_relation and/or field_relation attributes to the Loop tag to allow filtering multiple custom fields with 'OR' logic
As requested by @tom.collins in this thread:
Gray out contents of the Note tag
To make it easier to differentiate between notes and actual markup, it might be useful to gray out the contents of the Note tag (maybe even the tag itself) similar to how HTML comments get grayed out. If there are tags within the Note tag, this would also allow those tags to clearly appear as…
Support orderby=include
Add support for orderby=include to use the order in which posts are passed via the include parameter.
Allow "Format replace" to support templates or tags instead of just strings
As requested by @jackc on the forum: It would be useful to be able to use the Format tag’s replace-with functionality to replace words with tags/markup/entire templates instead of simply replacing one string with another string.
Keep excerpt HTML intact when using Field excerpt
As requested by @qwerty at Using Field excerpt on an L&L template strips the excerpt of any HTML it contains. This behavior is different than the excerpt displayed on the default WordPress post loop which keeps HTML tags and allows for styling of the excerpt such as adding italic text.
Allow for dynamically adding HTML attributes that don't accept a value
As requested by @julia here: And @markofapproval here:
Pagination: Option to load more posts (either automatically or by clicking a button)
From @zakir786lrk on Discourse: I would love if there would be these two pagination types:1. Load more posts by clicking “load more” button.2. Auto load more posts when user reaches at the end of the archive.