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Allow the `custom_field_compare` to accept a value of `exists` or `not_exists`

Currently, the custom_field_compare query parameter only accepts the following values: “equal” (default), “not”, “before”, “before_inclusive”, “after”, “after_inclusive”. If it’s possible to test for an empty string, we should expand this to allow a value of “exists” or “not_exists” to easily filter out posts where the meta is empty instead of needing to write custom_field_compare=”not” custom_field_value=””

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Calendar loop: add ability to generate a calendar loop in descending order

As noted by @Birkeholm on the forum: discourse.tangible.one/t/sorting-ordering-months-in-a-calendar-loop/999 In the current version of the plugin, the calendar loop generates years/months/days chronologically (lowest/oldest date to highest/latest date). It’s possible to use the sort_field and sort_order attributes to sort the items in the loop after it’s been generated, but this doesn’t sort the fields within the loop, so…

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Allow the Format tag to trim characters from the beginning and end of a string

original thread on the forum:discourse.tangible.one/t/removing-the-https-from-a-url-field/955 Description:“In php (ACF) I do this: $website = get_field(‘website’);$website_nice = parse_url( $website, PHP_URL_HOST ); Wondering if there’s something that will do the same thing in L&L? I have tried the Format tag which works great but it still retains the trailing / which the php code removes.“ This could be…

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Language condition for tag, e.g.

For multilingual websites, it would be extremely helpful to be able to use an tag to output different content depending on the language of the current page. I think something similar to the following examples might work well: <If lang=”en”><h1>Hello</h1></If> <If lang=”fr”><h1>Bonjour</h1></If> <If lang=”de”><h1>Hallo</h1></If>

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